Current Issue

Cover Story

Look Again?
Those in the radiology field are considering whether radiology second opinion services, despite their surging popularity, are worthwhile.

Featured Articles

The Depths of the Heart
Emerging technologies can provide radiologists with more insight than standard coronary CT into coronary conditions, allowing them to treat disease more effectively.

The Better to See With
Neuro optical coherence tomography provides high-resolution images and greatly enhances the visualization of arterial pathology, allowing for improved treatment of neurovascular diseases.

Getting Specific
Experts in the radiology field are perfecting prostate cancer treatment by reducing scan times, improving imaging coils, streamlining workflow, and developing more efficient radiopharmaceuticals.

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Farther Afield
By Paola Tabaro, MD, and Alex Merkulov, MD

A 59-year-old woman with a prior history of fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis presented to her primary care physician due to worsening pain in her left hip and back. The initial imaging workup with radiographs of the left hip and lumbar spine was negative. Given the patient’s worsening pain, an MRI of the left hip and lumbar spine was ordered. Continue reading »
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